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Provides classes and types for running network analysis algorithms.


Type Aliases

Node: { id: string | number; x?: number; y?: number; cluster?: number }

A node in a network.

Type declaration

  • id: string | number

    ID of a node.

  • Optional x?: number

    Horizontal coordinate of a node. If the coordinates of a node are specified before running the layout algorithm, they will be used in the initial layout.

  • Optional y?: number

    Vertical coordinate of a node. If the coordinates of a node are specified before running the layout algorithm, they will be used in the initial layout.

  • Optional cluster?: number

    Cluster to which a node belongs. A cluster is represented by a integer. If the cluster of a node is specified before running the clustering algorithm, it will be used in the initial clustering.

Link: { node1: Node; node2: Node; weight?: number }

A link in a network.

Type declaration

  • node1: Node

    ID of a source node.

  • node2: Node

    ID of a target node.

  • Optional weight?: number

    Weight of the link between a source node and a target node. The weight is a non-negative number.

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